At Gulfstream Capital Investment Banker’s function is to advise clients such as government, multinational companies or wealthy individuals regarding their needs and their financing structure or their equity investments and acquisitions.
Specifically, they handle bond issues, capital increases or proposed mergers acquisitions. Investment Bank business model is to sell benefits of financial engineering and not loans or investments.
Strictly speaking, an investment bank is not a deposit bank or a credit institution but a consulting firm, strategic & financial, whose only resources are the fees it charges to his clients.
Therefore GC&A does not have a conflict of interest with the activities of credit or financing which are totally different.
Today’s investment banking services range from the very specialized to full service.
In late 17th and early 18th century in Europe, the largest companies of the world were merchant adventurers.
Supported by wealthy groups of people and a network of overseas trading posts, they collected large amounts of money to finance trade across parts of the world.
The role of a merchant banker, who had the expertise to understand a particular transaction, was to arrange the necessary capital and ensure that the transaction would ultimately produce "collectable" profits.
During the 20th century, however, European investment banks expanded their services and became increasingly involved in the actual running of the business for who the transaction was conducted.
Today, investment banks actually own and run businesses for their own account, and that of others.
Professional investment bankers must have:
1- Understanding of the problematic and operational management capacity.
2- Ability to raise capital, which might or might not be one's own.
3- Effective skills in concluding a transaction.
International needs like state loans to finance public infrastructures backed by sovereign guarantees or state debt trading are a specific range of skills offer by some experienced investment banks like Gulfstream Capital & Associates.
In providing financial assistance, the investment banker offers a full understanding of all facets of the capital markets.
This includes all types of debt and equity financing available from both the domestic and international markets.
A wise investment banker understands capital limitations and can structure a transaction, which is beneficial to all sides of the table and not just the capital source.
In the final analysis, it is the personal relationship between the parties that will determine the chances of success.
The smaller merchant banking companies are both comprehensive in their services and reliable.
Moreover, these smaller firms can offer more personalized services, better performance and quicker responses to their client’s specific needs.
Gulfstream Capital & Associates focus on specifics knowledge in order to provide a skilled service to his clients.